International Journal of Business, Management & Allied Sciences

A Peer Reviewed-Indexed Journal

Call For Papers-Vol.11, Issue 4: 2024

Call for Editorial/Review Board members (Voluntary Service only)* PhD in the relevant Field mandatory

Welcome to IJBMAS                ISSN:2349-4638

International Journal of Business, Management and Allied Sciences (IJBMAS) is an International  open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary, and fully referred international Quarterly published, UGC listed Journal (S.No:43335) for the enhancement of research in various discipline of business, management, HR, Trade, Commerce, Economics, and allied sciences (Topics of interest include, but are not confined rigidly to the specific area). It aims publishing high quality research studies in all sub-areas of business and management.

Call For Papersanimated gif

IJBMAS invites high quality submissions in business and management. Contributions based on original research and employing a comparative international approach are particularly encouraged.

The journal accepts articles, that can be theoretical, applied, empirical, case-based or policy-oriented in the all areas of business, management, commerce, economics and other related topics. There is no clear-cut borders.

For Submission
Please read the Instructions for Authors before submitting your manuscript. The manuscript files should be given the last name of the first author.
Submit manuscripts via e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at:, a manuscript number will be mailed to the corresponding author same day or within 48 working hours


Publication Charge
International Journal of Business Management and Allied Sciences is an initiative to provide International Platform for quality research papers.
We cover the costs partially through article processing fees. Our expenses are split among editorial costs, electronic composition and production, journal information system, manuscript management system, electronic archiving, overhead expenses, and administrative costs. Moreover, we must cover the costs of publishing the accepted article plus the cost of reviewing articles the journal reject.

Publication fee details
Research Articles: 1800Rs for Indian Authors, 75US$ for Others (for Online Only/per article)
Super Express Mode (Publication processcompleted within 72 hours): 2500Rs for Indian Authors,100 US$ for Others
Short Communications and others as per Research articles

animated gifSubmission open for Volume 11 issue 4: 2024

Author Article Details Page No
1 Green Energy Marketing in India: Challenges, Opportunities, and Strategic Pathways
Dr. Santosh A U
Faculty, Department of Management
Gulbarga University Kalaburgi-Karnataka- India.
DOI: 10.33329/ijbmas.11.4.1
1 Implementation of Performance Management Techniques For Effectiveness of Work Force
Srirekha Ganji1, Dr G. Viday Sagar Rao2
 1PhD Scholar, Osmania University, Hyderabad. Email: 2Assistant Professor and Joint Director Academic Audit Cell, Dept. of Business Management, Osmania University, Hyderabad Email:
DOI: 10.33329/ijbmas.11.4.10
1 Domestic violence & Crime against women: A curse for civilized society in the context of Bihar & Government's initiative for women's safety
Dr. Ritu Kumari
Guest Assistant Professor, TNB College Bhagalpur, Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University Bhagalpur, Bihar
DOI: 10.33329/ijbmas.11.4.21
1 Implementation of Blockchain-Based Supply Chain Management (SCM) In Manufacturing Companies
Abdulkarim Abdullah Ali Mahfouth
Higher Technical Institution Higher Institute of Sciences and Technology Soq Alkamis Msehel – Libya
DOI: 10.33329/ijbmas.11.4.37
  • Frequency: 4 Issues per year:(MARCH/JUNE/SEPTEMBER/ DECEMBER)
  • Types of papers Accepting
    Original Research Articles
    Super Express Papers: Research Article Needs to Publish within short period (72 hours after submission)
    Review Articles
    Short Communications
    Case Studies
    Letters to the editors and book reviewers
    Abstracts/Full Papers of Seminars and symposia will also consider for publications as special Issue.